Thursday, October 28, 2010

I LOVE the 80's Blog Hop

Hi Everyone! No pic to post today...but I thought I'd tell you about a fun little blog hop going on. The theme is I LOVE THE 80'S! Who doesn't love the 80's? Jelly bands...big hair...neon colored everything. Ahhh... I love it all! Anyway, check out Raven's blog HERE; Once you read her post, you can leave a comment to be entered in a fabulous drawing, then click the link for the next blog and so on. There are tons of great prizes to be won!


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, my friend!

One of my very bestest friends, Maribel, is having a birthday today. We were born the same year and our birthdays are one month and 7 days apart. So I get old a little sooner than her! I made her this card....without my Cricut! It's fairly simple, but she loves black and white and pink, so it fits her. Sorry for the bad pics - I finished the card at work on my lunchbreak so you can see her Lay's potato chip bag in the background! The first pic is the front of the card. The second pic shows the inside. I got this new punch that I used on the black layer to make a "frame" of sorts for the white piece. The punch was on clearance for $2.00 or so and I love it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bee Happy....It's your birthday!

I love, love, love the bee from Paisley. The little pink cheeks are so cute. So...I used that cut to make this birthday card for my co-worker. She loved it!


Happy Friday!

I'm so glad it's Friday! It's been a long week. As I was going through the pics on my computer, I found this one. I realized I'd never posted the bookmarks I made for the craft fair, so here they are as well. Quite simple because I was running out of time...but I sold a few, so it was worth it!



I LOVE RAINBOWS! Last night, I was sitting in line at Braum's, waiting to pay for my Cherry Limeade and looked over and saw this beautiful rainbow. Of course, I was taking this picture from my car while trying not to hold up the line, so it's not a great shot but isn't that just beautiful? God is so good. I love that he makes such beautiful things for us to look at. Just wanted to share the beauty and wonder of our fabulous God!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hello Thursday!!!!

Today is Hello Thursday! Yippee!!! For those of you who don't know, Hello Thursday is the 3rd Thursday of each month and the day Cricut release their new cartridges. My favorite of the new ones is PaperLace....but they're all great, of course! You can see them all at Obsessed with Scrapbooking. While you're there, check out her great giveaways as well! Enjoy!


Think Pink!

I wanted to participate in the Cricut Cardz Challenge #47 this week - a card for breast cancer awareness. Of course the pink drew me in but I am also very passionate about being supportive of research and hope for those facing breast cancer. Now....I had major issues photographing this card. I have never claimed to know a thing about photography and now it's proven! So, please disregard the poor quality. The card is such a beautiful vibrant pink in person...I hate that it doesn't show up that way here. Oh well. =) I used the heart w/ribbon from Beyond Birthdays. I welded the shadow with my Gypsy to make a shaped card, then cut the heart and ribbon, added faux stitching and stickers and Voila!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sunny Flowers

Paper makes me happy. Any color...any pattern...any style! I was purging my photo files on my computer last night and came across this card I made a long, long time ago. I had saw a sketch on a blog somewhere (one of the hundreds I visit, I'm sure) and thought it was great. I really love this card because it's just so happy and cheery and bright. Hope you enjoy it too! I used Serenade for the flowers and Stamping Solutions for the wording.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Have you ever gotten a request for a card that totally stumps you? Or maybe sat at your desk and just stared at the cricut cartridges for hours trying to put it together? I have! A co-worker asked me for some Halloween cards for her out of state relatives. Easy enough, right? She wanted 4; I had 3 done and was planning the 4th card. Then it came - She asked for a Halloween card with a turtle. I don't usually associate turtles with halloween so that was a tough one for me. She said her daughter loves turtles and she wanted a turtle on it.'s what I came up with. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I hope it makes her happy. I used Paisley for the turtle and Gypsy Wanderings for the shape and the bubble.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

MPS Challenge - Fall/Halloween Challenge`

My Pink Stamper is having a challenge to create something for fall or halloween. I played around with my gypsy (Love that baby!) and came up with this fall lantern.


My Creative Time Challenge

I made this for the challenge over at Emma's My Creative Time. The challenge was to use Everyday Paper Dolls cart to make an animal card. A co-worker had asked me to make her a Halloween card with a cat on it, so hopefully she likes this one!


Friday, October 15, 2010

Sympathy Card

My parents have a friend who recently lost their young grandchild. They asked me to make a sympathy card and here's what I came up with.
Here's the inside of the card.


My Pink Stamper Challenge - RAK

This is for yet another MPS Challenge. The challenge was to create something for someone...a random act of kindness. My boss has a 10 year old daughter. She had a bracelet she really liked and it broke. Since I enjoy making jewelry, my boss asked me to fix it. I decided to make a little treat bag to put it in to give back to her. Here it is.


My Pink Stamper Challenge - Something Cute!

This is for another MPS Challenge. Robyn has challenges going on all week over at My Pink Stamper and this challenge is to make something cute! I saw these cute little triangle boxes/ornaments made with punch art a while back and figured I could probably recreate it with the cricut. I used Tags, Bags, Boxes and More for the box and Storybook for the rest of the cuts.


My Pink Stamper Challenge - Monkey Treat Bags

Robyn over at My Pink Stamper is having a challenge to create something to give to someone else. I'm the Children's Pastor at my church and have been wanting to have some goodie bags to give to guests in our classes. We have several age groups, so I started with something for the younger boys. I'm going to make more styles...but here's what I have so far. These are bag toppers. The bags will be filled with candy and little toys.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

BIC Marker Giveaway

Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd tell you about a great giveaway going on. Click HERE to go to Jamie's Blog, Cute Cards and Crafts by Jamie, and all you have to do is leave a comment to be entered to win a big set of BIC markers.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Scripture Card

I love Verve Stamps! They have the most beautiful scripture stamps (and other kinds as well). I made this card for a lady at church that's battling cancer. And...gasp...I didn't even use my Cricut! That's unheard of in my house. =) I used the stamp from Verve and some K&Company paper that I have been holding onto forever because I love it so much. Kinda pitiful to buy all this pretty paper and then not want to use it, isn't it?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I love to check out other people's blogs. It helps fuel my creativity and gives me great ideas. I saw the cutest Frankenstein card from punch art the other day and wondered if I could re-create it with my cricut. Here's my take on it. I used Tags, Bags, Boxes and More and Storybook. The sentiment is handwritten as I don't have any Halloween stamps. I'm not sure where I saw this so I apologize for not being able to acknowledge my inspiration.


Thanksgiving Challenge

This week I decided to try out my first challenge. One of the blogs I frequent, Cricut Cardz Challenge #45, has a challenge this week to make a Thanksgiving card. I don't have a turkey (or anything really thanksgiving-ish) on any of my cartridges. So, I got to play with my Gypsy...yippee! I am not in love with this card but decided to submit it anyway. It's missing something but I'm on a deadline so I'll just have to leave it as is.

Blogger Templates

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pumpkin Favors

Here are some little pumpkins I made as favors for our women's group at church. Our theme for the October meeting is pumpkins and scarecrows. I wanted to give everyone something festive for fall. They're quite simple but I like 'em!


Ghost Card

My co-worker asked me to make her some Halloween cards. Here's the first one I made. I created the ghost using my new favorite thing, my Gypsy. I welded some tags from Tags, Bags, Boxes and More and added the smile and eyes from Plantin Schoolbook. The BOO letters are from Sesame Street Font. The actual card is green and the orange you see is the envelope.


Birthday Card

I made this for a lady at church. I saw this layout sketch somewhere and loved it, so I thought I'd try it. I love the pink and green together. You can't see very well in the pic, but the Happy Birthday is stamped and embossed with lovely pink embossing powder. I cut the flower from Serenade Solutions cart.