Saturday, February 19, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!!

Hello everyone!  I am so excited to announce that I hit 150 followers today!  I have a few other followers via email updates and through feed burner, but I have been closely watching this Google number for several weeks in anticipation of this.  Let me preface this by saying I'm a huge sap.  I actually have cried at commercials and just can't help it.  Honestly.  So, when I logged in a minute ago and saw that lovely, glorious number - one five zero - it brought tears to my eyes!  The fact that all of you would choose to follow my blog and look at my creations is amazing and unbelievable and I want to say THANK YOU!!  I love sharing my creations and thoughts with you each week.  You all are FABULOUS!  You leave me such kind, caring comments and I feel so blessed to share with you.

So....because I'm so stinking excited, I just decided to have a giveaway for reaching this goal.  Yippee!  Who doesn't love free stuff, right?  And since this giveaway is totally impromptu, I gotta go shopping.  So, here's the deal.  I will be running over to my favorite craft store in a few minutes to get some goodies.  I will post the goodies later tonight with the instructions for entering the giveaway, so be sure to check back.

Also, I've been working like crazy today making about 15 thank you cards, so I'll be sharing those over the next few days as well.

Thanks again to all of you for coming along on my crafting journeys.  You guys rock!  Seriously!



  1. That is awesome! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  2. Congrats for reaching 150 followers!!

  3. Congrats and I can't wait to see the cards & goodies!

  4. Congratulations on reaching 150 followers! I can totally relate to the overwhelming feeling! Exciting stuff!


  5. Whoop Whoop! Congrats on hitting the BIG 150!


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