Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I just wanted to drop a quick hello to you all!  It's been a few days since I've posted anything, sadly.  I have several cards done, but have been under the weather for a few days now and am just getting back to feeling good.  I was told it's allergies gone awry...turned into a sinus/ear infection and maybe something viral as well.  Yuck!  My allergies have been worse this year than they've ever been and I'm just about done with messing with them.

I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday evening.  I will be back soon with some cards to share.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Soft Pink Flower Card

Today I want to share a card with you that was inspired by Pinterest.  Have I mentioned this week how much I love that site?  I know I tell you every week.  I can't stay away!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scalloped Thank You Card

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I admitted to all you that I was a paper hoarder?  I am happy to say that I've been using up some of my stash.  So, now I have another problem....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Info on Comments...

Good morning everyone!  Just a quick note....

If you leave a question for me by commenting on a post, please be sure to give me your email address so I can reply.  I love, love, love getting questions and comments, but there have been several I can't reply to because I don't have an email address to send the answer.  If you're uncomfortable leaving your email address in the comments section because of spam concerns, you can use the "contact me" link at the top of the page and it will come straight to my email.  I try to always reply within a day or two, so if you've left me a question and haven't gotten a response, please send it again with your contact info and I'll do my best to reply.

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


Songbird Week #3

It's Tuesday, so it's time for a card from this month's cartridge of choice, Songbird.  This card is not my usual style and very minimalist.  My husband really likes it, but I'm still not sure of it.  Tell me what you think...

I have to apologize because this is the only picture of the card I have.  I took several, however, they didn't turn out and now I've given the card away!  I am not sure what happened.  This photo isn't great, but it is the only one I have.

For the card, I cut the branch with the bird 3 times - once in brown, once in blue and once in green.  I cut out the bird and glued him on.  Then, I cut the ends of the branches off and let the green leaves show through.  I added some white accents to the leaves and added a gem for the birds eye.  The stamp is from the dollar bin at Michaels and I stamped and embossed it in white.  

I hope your Tuesday is going well.  Have a blessed day!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Tall Thanks Card

It's Monday again...and my last holiday until May!  I love my job because we get a good amount of paid holidays ever year, but the stretch from the MLK holiday to Memorial Day (in May) is very loooooong!  I am trying to savor today and make it stretch as long as possible.  =)

Today I have a really easy thank you card to share with you.  It only took a few minutes and would be easy to mass produce, if needed.

This was made to fit a business sized envelope.  The card measures 4"x9".  The paper is from a stack by Colorbok from Walmart.  I really love the color scheme of this paper.  

The stamp is from the dollar bin at Walmart and was stamped in chocolate ink, then embossed with clear embossing powder.  I cut the flowers from Straight From The Nest and inked the edges with chocolate ink.  I added a gem to the center to make it sparkle.

That's it for this card!  The paper on the bottom half of the card is so busy, I didn't think I could add too much or it would be overpowering.

Be sure to check back tomorrow.  I have another fun card using the Songbird cartridge.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy Flower Card

It finally happened.  We had snow last night in Oklahoma.  I think snow is one of the most beautiful things God ever created and have been waiting all winter for it to happen.  I came out of the door at church and saw these big, beautiful, swirling snowflakes glistening under the lights of the parking lot.  {big smiles}  It only lasted a short time, and I was hoping for more, but I enjoyed it while it lasted.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Songbird #2

I finally took some pictures, so I'd like to share my second card made using Songbird.  I have really enjoyed making cards from this cartridge, to my great surprise!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday Fun!

Happy Monday to you all!  I have a gazillion cards sitting on my desk ready to post...but there's a problem.  I haven't taken a picture of a single one!  Sooooo...tonight, I shall photograph!  Well, I shall take pictures.  I wouldn't call what I do "photography" because I stink at it, but you get my drift!

In the meantime, I thought I'd share some cute stuff I saw on Pinterest.  I think I need to go to rehab for Pinterest.  I could seriously browse for hours on end.  Love it!

Has anyone made you mad today?  Wanna really get back at them?  Send 'em this!!

I think this is great!  I'm not usually a vindictive person, but sometimes, you just wanna get at someone who's mean.  So why not hope for them to step on a lego?  I thought it was hilarious!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but I'm super short.  It's not something that makes me terribly happy.  I like to say I'm 5'0", but to be honest, I think I barely reach that mark.  So, when I found these on Pinterest...I could totally relate.  If you're average height or tall, just skip past them because, let's face it, you'll never understand!  =)


There were a bunch more, but I didn't want to bore you with them.  I have to say, the two in the middle are a huge annoyance for me.  Just the other day, I couldn't reach the Diet Dr. Pepper at Walmart and I had to ask this man to help me.  He just looked at me like I was really bothering him, and with a sigh, handed it to me.  Did he really think I enjoyed the fact that I can't reach the upper shelves?  I have decided if I could ever take a pill and become tall, I would make it a goal to walk around the grocery store helping short people!  Ok...enough said.

I will be back soon with some cards.  I hope you all have a great Monday afternoon!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Songbird Card #1

Happy Wednesday!  This post was supposed to show up yesterday, but it never made it.  Oops!  I had unplanned things happen on Tuesday which prevented me from getting my pictures up in time...

Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday, Monday!

It's Monday...again!  Normally, Mondays are my least favorite day of the week.  I am very busy with lots of church duties on Sunday, so I always feel rushed to get in bed on time on Sunday nights, which in turn makes for some tired, rough Monday mornings.  I'm off today (last day of my holiday time off), so today has been an abnormally good Monday....