
Monday, August 13, 2012


I hate bugs.  I mean I hate them with all that is within me.  My husband frequently tells me that he will never slay any dragons, but his job as my knight in shining armor is to slay crickets (the worst!!!), grasshoppers, spiders and all manner of flying things.  

On Saturday night, we were running some errands and stopped at a shopping center.  I ran in Michael's to grab some paper and was going to meet my husband at Barnes & Noble bookstore a few doors down when I was done.  While shopping, I got a text that read "Honey, beware, there are literally hundreds of crickets around the entrance to the bookstore".  Now, I am not sure if it would have been better for him to warn me or just not tell me, but of course, panic set in...
I sent texts back and forth for a few minutes with him and stalled in Michael's until they closed.  The problem was that I wanted something from the bookstore, so I really needed to go in.  I reluctantly left Michael's and headed for what was surely going to be similar to the belly of hell - the sidewalk of crickets.  As I got closer, I realized they weren't on the sidewalk, but on the walls and all around the doorway on the marble, which I'm assuming was cooler than the concrete in the Oklahoma heat.  There were HUNDREDS of them.  And they were all looking at me just waiting to jump on me as soon as I came near.  Long story short, I ran like my life depended on it and made it into the store with no contacts with the evil ones.  But it was a close call!  My heart was pounding and I was honestly distraught.  I realize it's irrational and pathetic but I don't care!  And just for the record, crickets are the worst because you never know which way they're going to jump.  Don't you agree?

Because of that shopping trip, I did get this great paper with butterflies - the only tolerable bug.
I made this to fit a business sized envelope, so the card measures 4" x 9 1/4".  All of the paper is by Recollections and came from Michael's.  I love that they were on sale 6/$1.00!  The base is light gray cardstock.

I used my favorite stamp of all time from Verve.  As you can see it smeared a little on the top, but I didn't notice that until I looked at the picture and it's already been sent now!

I cut the butterflies from Elegant Edges at 0.50", 0.75" and 1.00".  I added pearls to the center of each butterfly to make them fancy.

I scored each butterfly in the middle to make them stand out on the card.

I am still not 100% please with this card, but it's ok.  It's not my favorite, but I certainly don't hate it either!  Have a great day!



  1. I, too, have a bug phobia and I'm 74 yrs. old! My DH of 55 yrs. tells me everytime I yell for him to come kill something, "You're bigger than he is". He can't understand AT ALL. So I'm a wuss but I don't care either. I DO LOVE your card. And this is one of my favorite verses. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Pat

  2. Glad you made it through! Your card must have had a calming effect afterwards. Its awesome. TFS

  3. How brave you are! I think crickets are cute personally, but I imagined it was spiders around the entrance and could totally sympathise! Give yourself a huge pat on the back for facing your demons, or in this case, crickets!
    Oh, and I love your card. Don't like it, love it. xxx


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