
Thursday, August 16, 2012


Ok, so this has nothing to do with paper crafting, but I had to share.  I am a huge sap and when I saw this I just cried because it's so stinking sweet!  He wins proposal of the year in my book!  The best part is watching the camera angle on the girl (in the upper right corner of the screen).  I'm sure some of you have already seen it, but if you haven't, enjoy!

Have a great day!  I'll see you tomorrow for another Font Friday!



  1. Thanks for sharing that...that was so much fun to watch!!

  2. Well that's my make-up ruined! I cried my eyes out at this! How utterly romantic in a funny sort of way. How on earth he managed to get it choreographed so good is amazing! Fair play to their friends and family too for being such good sports. Thanks for sharing Cheryl, it's on my FB page now!

  3. Oh wow that is so AMAZING! I'm crying my eyes out. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing.


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