
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hi everyone!  I hope your day is wonderful so far.  I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know I'll be taking a few days off from the blog.  I'm taking a "vacation"...but not really.  (Does that make any sense at all?)  

As I've mentioned before, our church has a women's retreat every year in June.  We all head down there on Friday morning and come home Saturday evening.  I will be doing a craft class on both days.  I have been preparing for a few weeks, but because everything was so busy for me during May, I don't have as much done as I'd hoped.  And because we are at a retreat center away from home, I try to have everything cut and ready to go ahead of time, instead of hauling my Cricut and all the tools down there. 

Last night, I sat down at my desk to do just what PC told me to do to fix my Gypsy.  It did not work.  I'm not a happy camper, to say the least.  I normally have a lot of things to post before the week begins, but since the Gypsy died on Saturday morning (my main crafting day) and my projects were saved in there, I have nothing.  After a bit of thought, I decided to just take a vacation from my blog for a few days and get my retreat work done and hopefully get the Gypsy fixed.

So....that's what I'm gonna do!  My retreat is next weekend, and until then, I will be sitting at my desk getting things ready for my classes.  I can't wait to share what we're making and I hope to post those pics next week.  

Until then, Happy Crafting!

Oh....and just so you know - I won't be crafting a bit tonight because I have to watch our OKC Thunder whip the Spurs.  I am not a sports fan, but since the Thunder came to OKC several years ago, I love to watch and support them.  We have never had an NBA team and I've really enjoyed it.  I hate football but I actually enjoy watching basketball.  Tonight is a big game for us and if we win, it's on to the finals.  Sooooo...  I thought I'd share that random thought with you all.  Go Thunder!!!



  1. Have a wonderful break - and enjoy your retreat:-)

  2. Hope you get all prepared for your retreat and that you get you Gypsy back in working order. Have a fabulous weekend. : )


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