
Monday, June 4, 2012


Ok, so I kinda have this weird obsession with clouds, but only when I'm singing.  (I told you it was weird).  I love to sing and am on the worship team at my church.  A long time ago, I was listening to some worship music on YouTube and came across a song which quickly became one of my favorites.  (Here's a link if you're interested in listening: Here In Your Presence)  In one of the videos of this song, there was a big screen in the background with these beautiful clouds floating by.  I just thought that was fabulous and ever since I've been convinced that I need some clouds to make me sing better!  I am not sure why I thought it was so pretty, but it just looked so peaceful and beautiful and I really liked it.  I keep trying to tell the folks at church that they should invest in a huge, expensive screen so I can have clouds billowing while I sing.  It hasn't worked.  Yet.  

Now, I have a tip for you today and can you guess what it's about?  Clouds!  I saw this on Pinterest a few weeks ago and have been wanting to share it with you.  I had every intention of trying it out over the weekend and sharing my results with you, but my poor Gypsy is sick so I couldn't do what I'd planned.  It became ill Saturday morning as I was just starting to craft.  I hope to have it fixed today (crossing fingers and saying prayers).  I will be calling PC after work.

Isn't this clever?  I realize that those of you who are into stamping have probably seen this a million times, but I was totally impressed when I saw this.  There have been many times when I've wanted a cloud background and didn't have the right paper.  I saw this on Create With Me.

I was thinking this would be super easy to create with you Gypsy.  And I'm sure you can do it if your Gypsy will cut welded images.  Mine will not do that right now, sadly.  As soon as I'm back up and running, I plan on making a template of the clouds and I'll show you guys what I come up with.

That's all I have for today.  Have a fantabulous Monday!


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