
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Why Budget?

A few weeks ago, I posted about budgeting.  After staying on budget, our first money goal is to get out of debt.  We still have some medical bills and things to pay off, so we're several months away from being totally debt free....but we're much closer than we were!

I belong to several Facebook groups, one of them being a Dave Ramsey Budgeting group. In this group, folks ask questions and share their struggles and victories with money.  There are several people in the group who have paid off all debt, have several months expenses in savings and are working on the rest of the steps in Dave's plan.

The other day, someone in my group posted about something that happened to her and she gave us permission to share as long as she remained anonymous.  Here's her story...

"Lunch today at Steak n Shake is a reason I'm thankful for DR. I saw a mom with 3 kids, she looked to be down on her luck they were splitting one meal, and she looked to be in a bad way. I sat next to her with my little one in tow, and asked if she was ok, she balled her eyes out that they are on the brink of being evicted if they didn't get the rent money and struggling financially. Her little one is in remission from cancer and she was scared they would be in a shelter. My little one was very sick when she was born, so I felt her pain. I called my hubby and we got their rent paid for the next three months and filled their fridge with food. They aren't even in much debt but medical bills have drowned them, I asked her to meet with me next week so I could help her and her husband get out of the hole they are, she agreed and has already called me 2x to confirm what she needed to bring. My husband even got her husband an interview at a friends trucking company for Monday. DR put us in a position to live like no one else so we can live and give like no one else. I'm so happy we were able to help."

I sat at my desk bawling like a baby when I read this.  This is what it's all about, people! How exciting would it be to look at someone who is struggling and know you can change their situation because you were smart with your money? I CANNOT wait until we are at this point.  We give to a missionary that comes to our church, we donate if there's a family in need and we give to our church - but I've never been in the spot to pay rent for several months and fill up someone's fridge.  

Someday soon, I will.  Someday, I will bless someone with a car. Someday, I'll buy a needy family a TON of groceries. Someday, I'll experience the joy of changing someone's situation when they think all hope is lost.  Jesus said to do it.  That's reason enough for me.

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