
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Cheezy Poofs!

Halloween is just around the corner.  Are you ready?

Every holiday, I have great intentions.  I decide I’m going to make these fabulous treat bags or boxes full of fabulous goodies for my family, friends and co-workers.  Most holidays, I’m good to just show up with whatever I agree to bring, much less something cutesy and fun.  I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew and then I run out of time for the fun things… like making treat bags!

This year, however, I have turned over a new leaf.  I am trying to stop doing things out of obligation and do more of what I want, in my downtime. 

So, guess what?  I made Halloween bags for my co-workers!  I totally stole the idea from Pinterest, so I can’t take credit for the creative genius, but I did them my own way. 

I started with a GIANT tub of cheezy poofs.  (Yes, I realize they are actually called cheese puffs, but thanks to my husband and his younger days of watching Southpark, they will forever be known as “cheezy poofs” in our household!)

That sucker is massive, huh?  You can see my Silhouette machine to the right, just for scale.  I got this whole tub at Sam’s for about $6.00.  What a bargain!

I bought some treat bags and measured them to see how much space I had for the faces.  On Pinterest, everyone had drawn the faces using Sharpie markers.  What?!?!?  They obviously don’t own a Silhouette.

I went to Google and searched “jack o lantern faces clip art” and got tons of cute little faces.  I imported a few of them into design studio, then traced them.  Voila!  I cut the faces from some scraps of black vinyl I had in my stash and applied to the bags. 

After all the faces were applied, I filled them with cheesy goodness and tied with twine.  Sooooo cute!

I love these little guys!  

If you haven’t yet made Halloween goodies, this is an easy and quick project you could do tonight.  Of course, if you try it, I’d love to see your pictures.

Happy Wednesday!

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