
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pencil Boxes

I don't have kids.  Most people know this about me, but in case you don't, there it is.  I always wanted to be a mom and do "mom things".  One of those things was to be homeroom mom.  Do you remember that? 
When I was young, our homeroom mom(s) made us treats and goodies for the holiday parties.  My mom did this frequently and I always thought I would someday be in that same spot.  I also remember thinking that when I became a mom I would make sure my kids had the most awesome school supplies because I love office products and always have!  

Since I don't have biological children, I just have to love the kids at church that I teach each week.  I always try to give them some back to school goodies.  This year, I decided to put them in fun pencil boxes.

I downloaded this file from the Silhouette online store.  I love it!  These were super quick and easy to make.  I forgot to take pics at home, so I took them on the BRIGHT green table at church.  Kinda hurts the eyes, doesn't it?

If you look closely, you can see that the eraser isn't attached.  That's where the box opens.  I forgot to take a pic of one of them open.

I also found these cute striped pencil boxes at Target for .69!  What a bargain.  I couldn't pass them up (I bought one for myself, too).  I added vinyl lettering to personalize them for my girls.

Here's one more...

I love back to school!

Happy Tuesday,

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