
Friday, March 15, 2013

Font Friday - Voluptate

Happy Friday my friends!  I realize I've been a stranger and almost feel the need to introduce myself to you all.... 

Wow!  What a busy few weeks I've had!  Every year, I have a major church commitment that takes a lot of time from mid January to mid February.  As soon as that was over, I had to start work on the conference that I plan every year for my second job.  This year, it was bigger than it's ever been and I ended up working on it every evening and weekend for about 3 weeks.  I was going to work for my regular 8 hours each day, then coming home and work 2-4 hours at night on the other job.  Needless to say, that combined with us still being short-staffed at my full time job caused me to be in a bit of a fog for a few weeks.  I can happily say that the conference is over for another year and I am actually going to get to craft this weekend!!  Woo hoo!!

Thanks so much to all of you who have stuck around and waited for me to return.  Hopefully I'm back to normal now.  I have several new cards and ideas to share with you, but first, let's get to the font...

Isn't this fantabulous?  It's so pretty, I think.  You can download it HERE.  

I hope you enjoy this font!  I know I will.  


1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! So glad all went well and that you are back. Sure sounds like you worked your tail off. :) Can't wait to see what you end up crafting this weekend. Enjoy the time.


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