
Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy October!

Can you believe it's already October?  Time is flying by this year!  I started making some Halloween goodie boxes and wanted to share one with you.  But first, check this out...

How much do you love that pink car?  Do you see the eyelashes on the headlights?  I love it!  My dad sent me this pic because he knew I'd love it.  I think it looks like a fun little Barbie car and I need one.  I think it would make me really claustrophobic, but it just looks so happy and fun!  

Ok...on to the paper stuff...

I will start off by apologizing for these horrible pictures.  My poor, pitiful camera just didn't do well on this.  I re-adjusted the white balance to every setting I had and the picture still came out poorly, mostly because of the orange background, I'm sure.  I made this box using the Life's A Party.

This picture turned out much better.  I made a rosette out of orange paper, then punched the circles using different sized punches.

As you can see, I adhered it with foam dots to make it stand out.  I also inked the edges of the box using black ink.  I then added the mummy sticker just because he's so stinking cute!

Paper - K & Company
Sticker - Jolee's
Cuts - Coffin box from Life's A Party @ 5"
           Rosette made from a 1" strip of paper, scored at 1/2" intervals
           Circles punched using 1.25", 1.5", 1.75"
           Scalloped circle punched using 2"

Thanks for stopping by today for a visit!


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