
Friday, October 26, 2012

Font Friday - Halloween Style!

It's Friday!  That means it's time for fonts....Halloween Style!  I thought we'd go all spooky and festive today.  Here are several fun fonts to use on your last minute Halloween projects...

Download HERE

Download HERE

Download HERE

Download HERE

Download HERE

As you can see, they are more fun than scary, but what can I say?  I'm a chicken!  I don't like scary things.  When my husband and I were first dating, I decided to be brave and go to a Haunted Forest with him.  Now, in my opinion, a haunted forest is way worse than a haunted house's just scarier.  The trees and the moon and the darkness and the hidden murderers all make for a bad night.  I have no idea why I felt the need to go, but I did.  I had on a zip up jacket with a a hood that night.  From the moment we entered, I put that hood up over my head and around my eyes, and buried my head in his back until we walked out safe and sound.  I have no idea what happened or who was chasing us in there but it was awful.  I admit it - I am a grown woman whose afraid of the dark!  I don't like what's lurking in the darkness...  So, I prefer to enjoy happy Halloween stuff and not scary!  

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. These are great fonts! I love the CASPER and Fiddum's Family...will def download them, thanks!
    ~Sharla :)


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