
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Quick Tip - Embossing Brads

Happy Thursday Everyone!  It's been almost a week since I've posted.  I have  no excuse except I just lost track of time and all of a sudden it's Thursday!  I have a couple of cards that I just need to photograph and I'll be ready to share with you.

I was browsing Pinterest and came upon a fascinating tip that I wanted to share with you.

On her blog HERE, Deena gives a great tip on how to use embossing powder on brads to change the color or add glitter.  How cool is that???  I love it.  I have a ton of brads that I bought in a big variety pack and some of the colors I will never use.  Now, I can change the color.  

Basically, she says to heat up the brad with your embossing gun, then dip it in embossing powder.  Apparently the heat of the metal brad will melt the powder to it, then you just let it cool.  Voila!

I promise to have more cards and projects to share with you soon!  I finally got my desk cleaned out and back to normal and actually filmed a video.  I need to edit it and it will be ready to go too!  



  1. Thanks for the great tip. That is really cool.

  2. what a great tip


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