
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Craft Booth Pics

A couple of weeks ago I had a booth at a conference and I finally have some pictures to share with you!  I forgot my camera but had brought the camcorder to record some video, so I took some pics with it.  The pictures aren't great with the camcorder, but they'll do.  I am still trying to pull the video from the camera, but am not having much luck.  I will post that as soon as I can get the camera to let go of it!

My mom helped me set up my table.  We used several large bowls/dishes and some cake stands to display the items, all in white or black/white.  It turned out looking pretty nice, I thought.  I didn't get a picture of the full table because I got it on video.  You know, the video that I can't show you because it's stuck on the camera???  Anyway, I made several of these pillow boxes to hold treats and/or gift cards.  We put them in a bowl up on a pedestal.  The black and white one on the left is my favorite.  It sold first!

Some of you may remember the fancy paper clips I made for teacher appreciation a few months ago.  I had some paper clips left, so I made a few sets.  I sold all of the paper clips pretty quickly.  I apologize for the fuzzy pictures.  I wasn't aware it was so difficult to take pictures with the camcorder until I got home and looked at them!

I made and sold quite a few of these skinny notepads.  This was taken while we were setting up, so it's a little bit of a mess, but you can see some of the selection.  I sold some with pens and some without.  Don't you love how that beautiful orange striped cup just adds class to the picture?  That was from my breakfast at Whataburger.  They have the best breakfast of any fast food restaurant.  Totally unhealthy and delicious!

I had several styles and sizes of memo pads.  These measure 4" x 6" and they were the biggest seller.  My booth was at a ministry conference, so I made all of the large pads with scriptures on the front of them.

I had a lot of downtime while they were in session, so I brought supplies and made some of the notepads while sitting there and waiting.  My mom helped me make this one.  The lighting was bad, but this paper is lovely in person!

Here's one more we made while sitting there.  My mom says she can't do crafts, so she was given the job of being the "bling" lady.  She picked the papers, I put them together and she added bling to all of them.  She, like most of us crafters, enjoyed playing with the sparkles!  Thanks, Mom!

That's all the pictures of product that I have to share.  I was given a free ticket to the luncheon they had, so I took some pics of the best part....

I am convinced heaven will be full of cheesecake and Dr. Pepper.  This was delicious!  It was so rich I couldn't eat it all, but since I've been cutting back on sugar, you can bet I tried!  I was making up for lost time!

This is what my mom had.  It was a molten chocolate cake.  It was delish too!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Wow! These are all so stunning and very creative.


  2. I'm so glad you did well Cheryl. With goodies like these, you deserved to! xxx

  3. wow!!! you made some awesome projects!!!


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