
Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm really bummed that I don't have a video to share with you today.  I took several pictures and some videos at my booth last week and I can't seem to get it off the memory card.  It continues to say my computer won't recognize the files...UGH!  I shall be seeking technical help from someone manly whom I'm sure can figure it out, as my blonde brain is very perplexed.

I must apologize to you all for my lack of posts and ideas lately.  I think I've been in a funk.  I had gotten really burned out from so many big projects back to back and the thought of sitting at my desk and making something the last few days was not at all appealing.  So...I left my messy desk and decided I wasn't going to craft for a week, at least.  I think I just needed a break, because as soon as I decided that and took a day off, I was itching to make a card!  I guess taking the pressure away made it fun again.  So, I made 2 cards last night and have several projects from my booth to share.  I just have to take photos, which I hope to do tonight and then I should be back on track.  I have a huge list of ideas to try and share and some new things that are coming that I'm sure you'll love as much as me!

Until then, I thought I'd share a few Pinterest finds.

Isn't this adorable?  It wouldn't go with my ugly wood door, but on this white door, I think it's great.  I love the color and pattern mixture.  It's just fun!!

Source: via Holly on Pinterest

I love anything miniature....especially these little envelopes!  What a brilliant idea!  How fun would it be to tuck a little note into each one?  I may have to borrow this idea someday...

That's all for today.  I appreciate all of you reading and following my blog even though it's been sparse lately.  I am hopefully back to normal now!  Of course, normal is a relative term...


1 comment:

  1. Hi,I am going g tthru that right now,haven't felt like making anything for awhile, but I did get a Layout done.
    Can I ask you how you got the "follow me on pinterest" button on your blog?


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