
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Happy Wednesday!  I am trying to get back in the swing of things after my busy weekend and thought I'd check in with you guys.  I don't have any projects yet, but I'm happy to say Gypsy is working normally again, so I'm working on something for this weekend.  I will also have some pics of the craft classes from our retreat to share with you soon. 

For now, I just thought I'd check in and share this:

Besides that fact that I LOVE this quote, isn't it written beautifully?  I have a "thing" for handwriting and typography, so I thought this was great.  And I fully believe in being noisy, colorful and lively - Just ask my hubby when he's trying to go to sleep!  He says I'm the noisiest person on the planet.  I am always sure to correct him - I'm the second noisiest, because I'm pretty sure my mom takes first place.  She has a knack for putting away pots and pans just as you're trying to listen to something on TV.  

It never fails.  

Love you, mom, I promise.

Have a great day!  I promise to be back soon with crafty fun!

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