
Monday, April 16, 2012

Wobbly Sundae Card

Hello to you all!  I hope your weekend has gone well so far...
I want to say thanks to all of you for the emails of concern for my safety this weekend.  As I've mentioned before, I live in Oklahoma, also known as "Tornado Alley".  On Friday morning, the news people warned us that in our state, on Friday and Saturday, the conditions were favorable for a severe outbreak of deadly tornadoes.  Long story short, there was weather coverage almost non-stop for 2 days of storms in different parts of our state.  I haven't talked about it much on here, but I must tell you - I am a firm believer in the power of prayer.  So, as soon as I heard all this coverage, I started praying about this weather being predicted.  THANK YOU GOD!  My home, cars, family and friends were all safe.  Any deadly weather that was headed my way dissipated before coming into my town.  There were some people in another town that were in the path of the storms and my heart and prayers go out to them.

On a different note, I have a fun card to share with you and another giveaway today!

The base of the card is from Elegant Edges.  I welded 2 shadows together to form the base.  The paper is all by Recollections.  I cut the sundae from Birthday Bash.  I inked the edges of everything with black chalk ink and added Glossy Accents to the cherry to make it shine.  The ribbon is from my stash.

I put the sundae on using an Action Wobble available here in my new store.  

Check out that wobble action!  What a photographer I am!  Just kidding - It took me like 25 tries to capture a picture of the action happening.  It was pitiful how long it took!  But I was determined to show you the fabulousness of the wobbles!

Here's a picture of the envelope I made to match the card.  Don't you love all that PINK?  Pink makes everything better!  I have to apologize for not having cut sizes for you today.  I made this card a few weeks ago and apparently lost the paper where I wrote down my sizes!

Don't forget, I have Action Wobbles and baker's twine for sale in my new store.  Click HERE to shop now!

How about another giveaway to celebrate my grand opening?

Today I'll be giving away a 3 pack of twine (20 yards of each), your choice of colors.

To enter, leave a comment below with your 3 favorite colors of twine from my store.  
Please remember to leave your contact info so I can find you if you win!  Also, be sure to check out my last post for another chance to win a fabulous prize!

Sunday is rapidly coming to a close as I type this.  I wish you all a happy and blessed Monday!



  1. So pleased you are safe Cheryl. I can't imagine how frightening it must be for you all. We are so lucky not to have them here.
    How gorgeous is your card! Topped off with that really pretty envelope. Just dandy! xxx

  2. My three favorite colors are mandarin, caribbean, and lilac!!

    1. Oh....and I love that card and ALL of your envelopes!!

  3. Cheryl,
    I live in Oklahoma as well. Glad you and your family were were mine. My heart goes out to the people of they suffered a lot of devastation. Prayers go out to the friends and family of the ones that were lost.

  4. love your ideas. Glad you are safe!
    I love all colors so any three would be wonderfulThanks

  5. another great card Cheryl. That envelope is FAB! My 3 fave colors are Chestnut, Tangerine and Meadow.

    So thankful you are safe and sound. (I need you around to make the step by step videos using the Tags,Bags,Boxes and More 2 cartridge. wink, wink! lol!!!) Hugs.

  6. Adorable card Cheryl! I Love the card base and the matching envelope!

    So glad you and your family were kept safe from the severe weather, I can't imagine how scary that would be.

    I liked you on Facebook ;) and my 3 fav colors are Carribean, Meadow and Chestnut!

    Hope you have a great Monday!!

  7. Glad you and your family were safe from the awful weather that went through OK.

    If I were to win, I would like an orange, yellow and green. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Hugs, CyndiU
    cureta2 at yahoo dot com

  8. What a great card. You can tell you put a lot of time and thought into your cards.
    My favorite color twine are, aquamarine, meadow and chestnut.
    I hope you and your family have a safe,storm free week.

  9. Cheryl, I love, love, love the action wobbles! My favorite twine colors are the lipstick, lilac and carribean...and all of the rest too but those are my favorites.
    See you Wednesday night,

  10. I am so glad you guys got through the bad weather okay - prayed for ya!! I love the paper you used on this card, what paper pack? and was the envelope from the same pack? My fav colors of twine are lemon chiffon, aquamarine and ocean:-)

  11. Oh, Cheryl! You are making me want to buy Birthday Bash!!! I love that cute sundae!

    Thanks for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com


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