
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tips for making envelopes

Good morning!  I hope you're having a great day so far!

I've had this list for a while and thought I'd share it with you.  One of the best purchases I've ever made for paper crafting is the Martha Stewart Scoreboard.  It's come in really handy and I love that you can make envelopes with it.  The only problem is that the info on the envelope tool only shows sizes for a few envelopes.  Lately, I've been really into making square cards (no idea why!) and need envelopes for them.  I came across a piece of paper I'd printed with sizes for making envelopes that aren't printed on the MS envelope tool.  Here are the recipes:

For a 3x3 card: 
Start with paper size 5.5" x 5.5"
Score all sides at 2.5" using the envelope template

For a 4x4 card:
Start with paper size 6.5" x 6.5"
Score all sides at 2.5"

For a 5x5 card:
Start with paper size 8.5" x 8.5"
Score all sides at 3 3/8"

Hopefully this will hope those of you in need of square envelopes.  If you don't have the MS scoreboard, I would highly recommend it. I bought mine at Michael's, but you can get a great deal on Amazon here:

I'm off to busy myself with crafting.  Have a wonderful day!



  1. Thanks for the tip. I have a MS scoreboard and this will come in handy for me.


  2. Off to print these out! Thanks Cheryl. Stop telling me about all those lovely bargains you get over there!!! It makes me CRY! xxx


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