
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just FYI...

Good morning!  I just wanted to drop by and say a quick hello this morning and update you on my life.  I am sad to say I have nothing to post for you this week.  

I normally do some of my crafting during the week and most of it on Saturdays.  Since I've started going to the gym 4-5 times per week, it takes away 2 hours of my free time each night, which leaves little room for crafting after work.  On top of that, I had a big plan to make tons of projects this past Saturday and that didn't happen.  

My grandpa had a heart attack over the weekend, so we spent Saturday at the hospital.  He's stable now, but the prognosis is not good.  They're not giving him much hope at all, as his heart is basically worn out and can't be fixed.  Besides his cardiac issues, he has some memory problems and also struggles with that.  He's lived a good life and served God with his whole heart.  I know whenever his time comes, he'll leave this earth and walk into the arms of our Savior and receive a reward in Heaven that we can't begin to imagine.  He will get to see the One that created everything and spoke life into the world.  He will experience something he's only been able to dream about and has waited for his entire life.  Knowing this gives me great peace, but the granddaughter in me is still sad at the thought of him not being around for as long as I'd like.  He's one of the best men I've ever known.  I am so blessed to have been born into his family and am thankful to him for the man he is, who in turn made my father the man he is, who helped (with my mom) make me the woman I am today.  

I apologize for getting sappy with you all.  =)  As I've said before, I feel like I've known you all forever and we're old friends.

"As opposed to what we really are.  People who don't know each other's names..."
(from You've Got Mail)

I {heart} that movie so much.  Anyway...

You have always been so kind and supportive in your comments and I feel like I can be real in what I share with you.  I just wanted let you all know where I'm at and what's going on in my life.  I still have videos that are almost ready to share and hope to be posting projects by the weekend.

Have a blessed and fabulous Thursday!


  1. Cheryl, what a beautiful tribute to your grandfather. I pray for comfort for your family at this time, and no matter how much longer your grandfather has, what waits on the other side will be beyond amazing.


  2. So sorry that your grandfather is having such troubles. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing and spend all the time you have with your family. Crafting will always be there :)


  3. Oh Cheryl, there is blessing in knowing that your Grandpa will be with his Savior. I'm sorry for the difficult time it brings for you and your family though. Sending up prayers for all of you. Message me if you need/want someone to "talk" with. I'll listen. Big hugs.

  4. My heart hurts for you Cheryl. Cherish your memories. I know how hard this is. xxx

  5. I will prayfor him and your family.


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