
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Great Deal!!!

I don't know how many of you receive the Daily Deals emails from Amazon, but every so often, they are fabulous!  I thought I'd share this one today...

It's a 32GB Flash Drive for only $19.99!!!  That's a fantabulous price!  I bought a 16GB drive a few months ago and paid $20 for it.  I just thought I'd share in case you're interested.  If you store a lot of pictures (like I do), your flash drive will fill up fast, so you need a big one!  And these are small enough that you can carry in your purse so you'll always have them with you.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmpphhh! I just checked out OUR Amazon and it's £25!!! Not dollars, POUNDS!! That equates to about $35. It's not FAIR I tell ya! lol
    Viv xxx


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