
Friday, April 20, 2012

Episode 3 - Sizing Envelopes Using the Gypsy

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope your week has been fabulous!  I want to say thanks to all of you for a wonderful grand opening week for me and I hope you all enjoy the products you've ordered!  I have another video for you today...

I've had a few requests asking how I size envelopes to fit my cards using the Gypsy.  Here's how I do it...

I hope this helps when you are making cards and want custom envelopes.  I have to apologize that the top of the screen is cut off!  My dad set up the cameras for me and left the room.  I didn't realize we'd left it zoomed in so close until I got home and watched it.  Next time, I'll fix the camera angle before we tear down all the equipment!

Don't forget to enter the giveaways from earlier this week.  I'll be drawing winners on Sunday night!


1 comment:

  1. Great video. I don't have a Gypsy. I can see how fun that would be to use. I just use the CCR. :)


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