
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fun Stuff!

Happy Wednesday to you all!  I have been super busy this week, so I have to apologize for the lack of posts.  As you know from my previous posts, I am trying to lose weight and learn to live healthier.  My mom, hubby and I joined a gym a couple of weeks ago.  Can I just add here that I hate to sweat?  Ewwww.  Anyway, I have been faithfully going every night with my mom to work out, but it's really thrown off my evenings and I'm trying to shuffle everything around and add 2 more hours in the day.  If you know how to do that, I'd love to know!  I made a bunch of cards this weekend and they're sitting there waiting to be photographed.  I have every intention of doing that tonight, so tomorrow I just might surprise you with a post!  

On a different note, I am working on something really exciting that's coming to my blog.  I hope to have it all ready to show you guys by next week.  And I filmed more videos on Sunday, so I'm working on editing those. (I'm not good at that yet, so I move at a snail's pace)  I like this video thing.  I don't claim to be good at it, but I apparently love to talk (based on my family and friend's observations) and I enjoy talking to you all through the wonderful world of You Tube.  

One last thing....

I just wanted to share something cool I found on Pinterest this morning.

Isn't this wreath super fun?  I love the mix of patterns and colors.  You can see the entire post here.  She made this using the Silhouette Cameo (I WANT ONE!!!!), but you could easily use the Cricut and make one just as lovely.  I look at projects like this and think "I soooooo don't have the patience for that".  Maybe someday I will.  I am wanting to start making some home decor items with my Cricut, so maybe a wreath is in my future.  If so, I will certainly share with you guys!

Just a warning...

After all this sweating in the gym...

not drinking Dr. Pepper (or anything very tasty for that matter)...

not eating chocolate or candy or any sugary goodness...

eating vegetables (does anyone really like vegetables???)...

If I don't lose some weight today, all of you will hear a screaming fit around 5:30pm coming from Oklahoma.  
Just ignore it - It's me having a moment.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

  1. keep up the good work - going to the gym and sweating that is:-) I am an aerobics instructor and dance teacher so sweat is my life!! don't be afraid of weight lifting - more muscle = higher metabolism!!

    I have wanted to ask you how do you take pics of your projects cuz they turn out so nice


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