
Sunday, September 17, 2017

One more debt gone...

I just paid off a medical bill!  Woohoo!
I just paid off a medical bill!  Woohoo!
I just paid off a medical bill!  Woohoo!

(Picture me dancing around and singing those words at the top of my lungs..because that's what I'm doing.)

Since I've shared some of our debt situation with you guys, I knew you'd want to know that I just paid off a medical bill! Let me tell you why I'm so happy...

After The Great Meningitis Outbreak of 2014, we received 14 medical bills in the months that followed.

14! Holy cow, that's a lot of bills!

I had just gotten over this horrible illness (and had a "traumatic brain injury" as I'm told), so to say I was overwhelmed was an understatement.

I called them all, made arrangements to pay what I could, and prayed.  Insurance ended up covering a few of them and one actually wrote off the balance I owed.  Fast forward to 2017.  After way too many payments, we're down to 3 bills.

And today, I paid one of them off!!

This has been a long road and hasn't been easy.  Paying off debt SUCKS!

It's one thing to pay off debt that you acquired because you bought too many purses. But having to pay bills because you start having convulsions in your living room floor, go into a comatose state and end up in the ICU is a whole other ball game.

I pouted for a bit.

I had a pity party because "Why did I have to get Meningitis?".

I cried A LOT.

Then, I decided to be a grown up.  Things do not go as planned.  Life happens.  And sometimes it sucks and we just have to accept it.  

So, I added them to my list of debts and started paying.  A few were small enough they went away quickly.  But these last 3 have been hanging on for dear life.

Thus my happiness today.

Debt is the worst.  

If you think you MUST have a brand new, fancy car or you can't live without that designer couch...don't do it!  It's not worth it.  Take if from someone who learned the hard way.  Since we paid off our "BIG DEBT" (as we not-so-lovingly called it), we still owe on a few things. BUT not having that big payment looming over us every month is the most amazing feeling ever.  

I am still not always perfect on my budget.

I sometimes spend money when I shouldn't and have to swap things around to cover it.

I sometimes have an urge to charge something because I just want it soooo badly.

But I'm trying.  Every single day.  And Charles and I are daily making the conscious decision to NEVER go back to where we were. 

Happy Sunday, y'all!


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